
Where Heroes Meet Healing

We’re your backup, your support squad, dedicated exclusively to the mental health and well-being of California’s bravest – firefighters, police officers, nurses, EMTs, and all emergency service personnel.

Our Mission

To provide top-tier mental health support and services tailored for the heroes on the front lines. Understanding the unique challenges you face, we speak your language with all the respect and empathy you deserve.

Services Tailored for Your Mental Well-Being

Critical Incident Debriefs

Specialized sessions designed to process the high-stress incidents that are part of your daily life, helping you to decompress and recover.

Group Support Programs

Connect with fellow first responders who've walked in your boots, ready to share their journeys and listen to yours.

Individual Therapy

Our mental health professionals are not just experts in their field; they're also trained in the specific traumas and stresses you face, offering both individual and group therapy options.

Crisis Support

Access to immediate assistance when you need it the most, ensuring that help is always at your fingertips.

Trauma Treatment

Our PTSD treatment is tailored to individuals who have experienced trauma. We employ evidence-based therapies to help you process and cope with the effects of traumatic experiences, fostering healing and resilience.

Domestic Violence Treatment

Our treatment approach provides a supportive and empathetic environment for individuals impacted by domestic violence, empowering them to heal and reconstruct their lives.

Our Mission

To provide top-tier mental health support and services tailored for the heroes on the front lines. Understanding the unique challenges you face, we speak your language with all the respect and empathy you deserve.

Services Tailored for Your Mental Well-Being

Specialized sessions designed to process the high-stress incidents that are part of your daily life, helping you to decompress and recover.
Connect with fellow first responders who’ve walked in your boots, ready to share their journeys and listen to yours.
Our mental health professionals are not just experts in their field; they’re also trained in the specific traumas and stresses you face, offering both individual and group therapy options.
Access to immediate assistance when you need it the most, ensuring that help is always at your fingertips.

Our PTSD treatment is tailored to individuals who have experienced trauma. We employ evidence-based therapies to help you process and cope with the effects of traumatic experiences, fostering healing and resilience.

Our treatment approach provides a supportive and empathetic environment for individuals impacted by domestic violence, empowering them to heal and reconstruct their lives.

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Why Choose Us?

Because we understand that to keep serving with honor, you need a foundation of solid mental health. Our approach is discreet, respectful, and tailored to the first responder community. We blend evidence-based treatments with an understanding of the first responder culture, ensuring you receive care that’s as effective as it is understanding.

Reach Out Today

Your courage saves lives; our mission is to save yours. Get in touch to learn more about our services, join a program, or start your journey to mental wellness. Together, we can ensure you remain strong, not just on the outside but on the inside too.

We Accept Most Major Insurances

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cc logos cigna mental health treatment for first responders
BCBSNE Logo White web mental health treatment for first responders
geha logo mental health treatment for first responders
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And More

Where Heroes Find Healing

Dedicated to the mental health of California’s bravest – firefighters, police officers, nurses, EMTs, and emergency service personnel.

Your courage saves lives; let us save yours. Contact First Responders of California today to begin your journey to mental wellness.

All calls are 100% free and confidential